“It Was The Boogeyman.”

The End Of Days (Until He Gets His Act Together)


First off, James has lost his details so he can't log in. Until he sorts that out this site is pretty much AWOL but I will update when I get the chance. Such as now, to tell you all that the Horror film is indeed still alive amongst all this House Of Wax/Saw crap (it's a bit mean to beat them up when James isn't here to defend them but meh). I know it might not seem like it to you but it came in the form of Silent Hill, based on the popular video game. This is one of those rare horror movies that actually has you leaving the movie theatre thinking about what you just watched, intriguing you long after it's over. And hell, it's also pretty damn poop-your-pants scary! I don't know if anyone's reading this anymore, but if you are, go check it out, you won't be disappointed... Unless, you know, you are. But then you're just weird like that aren't you?

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