Three films find distribution at Sundance!
Published Wednesday, January 24 by James. | E-mail this post
A new beginning. That’s what this is. A new beginning! From now on I’m going (or, like, at least going to try) to post daily updates on all things horror. Excited? You good reader, you.
The Sundance Film Festival is in full swing right now, and that’s mean’s something awesome for horror fans: lots of horror movie acquisitions!
The first to be announced is the pick-up of Mitchell Linchenstein’s
Teeth, which both Lionsgate and The Weinstein Co. will share distribution on. The film is about a girl who, while discovering the powers of her body, makes the pretty alarming discovery that her vagina has a set of teeth. I know, I’m pretty excited to see this one too!
Joshua, a film about a disturbed child who slowly turns the life of his family upside down, was picked up by Fox Searchlight, who have worldwide rights (except Canada!) for the film. According to
The Hollywood Reporter, “
The studio purchased the film, reminiscent of "The Omen" and "The Bad Seed" combined with the urban dread of "Rosemary's Baby," for $3.7 million.”
From writer/directors David Brucker, Jacob Gentry and Dan Bush,
The Signal (click the link for the trailer) is a film told from three perspectives, each giving a unique view on a horrible situation that begins when a mysterious signal is broadcast though all TV, radio and cell phones in the city, turning everyone that hears it into a raving killer. The film was picked up by Magnolia Pictures, who have the North American, UK and Australian rights for the film.
So, I wonder which one will become a franchise?!
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